Lifestyle and sleep
Does your lifestyle affect your sleep patterns and how you fall asleep?
We are all creatures of habit. So let’s make sure that our habits are those that contribute to a good night’s sleep.

Get yourself a package of 3" x 5" index cards. Make short notes on each card about the problem or situation you need to address, and then put the cards on your bedside table. You might be surprised at the answers you come up with in the morning. Lying in bed trying to work something out will only cost you much‑needed sleep and leave you even less able to handle those challenges the next day.
Should you be sleeping alone?
Well, yes, if your partner’s bed habits mean you end up getting a lousy night of sleep. Some of us like to watch TV or read in bed…and fall asleep with the lights on. Some of us snore, some have sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome or hot flashes. Often it is hard to agree on room temperature. Any or all of these means no one sleeps well. Kiss each other goodnight… then consider separate beds in the same room or separate bedrooms altogether.